Research Library

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Grantee Project
Grantee Project
Grantee Project

Did Texas Law Banning Cell Phones in School Zones Save Money?

Do unfunded mandates regarding banning use of hand held cell phones in Texas school zones result in greater savings or cost for municipalities? This project will examine a Texas law prohibiting the use of hand held cell phones in active school zones. It explores the implications of this law in several municipalities utilizing data from law enforcement and municipal budgets. The study aims to identify the relative costs of banning hand-held cell phone use for municipalities and determine any association between enforcement costs and lives saved.

Grantee Project
Grantee Project
Grantee Project
Grantee Project

Do Hospital Community Benefit Requirements Help Public Health Activities

Using data from hospital responses to the new preliminary IRS reporting requirements, this study aims to document which hospital community benefit activities are undertaken and which of these are considered public health activities. The study will also identify those activities that are collaborative efforts between hospitals and public health entities.

Grantee Project
Grantee Project

How Does the Legal Authority for Infectious Disease Surveillance Affect States' Ability to Respond to Emerging Threats

This study assess whether state reporting laws for novel H1N1 influenza and emerging infections impact the ability of public health to collect data elements on individual cases; whether state reporting laws for novel H1N1 influenza and emerging infections impact the ability of public health to develop recommendations for disease prevention, control, and treatment, and the effect of “home rule” in a state’s infectious disease reporting structure on the state’s ability to develop such recommendations.

