Evidence Library

Showing 10 of 96 results.
Laura Hitchcock, JD •
Seattle-King County Department of Public Health
Julia Dilley, PhD, MES •
Multnomah County Health Department (Oregon)

This legal map includes more than 100 components of city and county ordinances in Washington that govern the zoning and siting for businesses that produce, process and sell recreational and medical marijuana, as well as regulations governing individual access to the products.

Marie-Claude Lavoie •
University of Maryland at Baltimore

Researchers from the University of Maryland Baltimore found that the alcohol sales tax increase resulted in a 6 percent annual reduction in the rate of alcohol-positive drivers involved in an injury crash with an even more pronounced effect among younger drivers.

The alcohol sales tax impacted drivers 15 to 20 years old and 21 to 34 years old more than the older age groups. Among young drivers, there was a 12 percent annual reduction following the alcohol sales tax increase.

Cheryl Sbarra, JD •
Massachusetts Association of Health Boards, Inc.
Margaret Reid •
Boston Public Health Commission
Wenjun Li, PhD •
University of Massachusetts Medical School

This article reviews Boston's 2012 cigar packaging regulation and its impact on young people's access to inexpensive flavored cigars. 

Don Des Jarlais, PhD •

This study reviewed changes to laws permitting ‘syringe exchanges’ and the provision of public funding for such programs, and finds that most of the changes in law occurred during the 1990s, five to 10 years later than in many other countries.

Lainie Rutkow, JD, PhD •
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
Caleb Alexander, MD, MS •
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

In the first year that two Florida laws aimed at curbing opioid prescriptions were in effect, the state's top opioid prescribers wrote significantly fewer prescriptions of this type of pain medication, according to a new study published June 2, 2016, in Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Wenjun Li, PhD •
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Cheryl Sbarra, JD •
Massachusetts Association of Health Boards, Inc.
Margaret Reid •
Boston Public Health Commission

A 2011 Boston regulation that set minimum pricing and packaging requirements has successfully reduced the availability of fruit-flavored cigars that were becoming increasingly popular among youth, according to a new study published in Tobacco Control.

