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As more states have continued to pass laws legalizing medical use of marijuana, the majority have also established product safety measures to protect consumers. These safety regulations vary from state to state. This dataset analyzes state guidelines for medical marijuana product preparation, testing, packaging, labeling, and advertising, all factors that contribute to overall product safety. This dataset includes states with comprehensive medical marijuana programs; it does not include state laws allowing the medical use of low-THC products in certain situations.


While marijuana use remains illegal at the federal level, 27 states and the District of Columbia have made medical use legal.

This page explores comprehensive medical marijuana laws for patients, including the diseases and symptoms that qualify a patient to use medical marijuana, where medical marijuana can be used, whether non-residents can use medical marijuana, and the possession limits for patients. This dataset includes states with comprehensive medical marijuana programs; it does not include state laws allowing the medical use of low-THC products in certain situations.


There are now 28 jurisdictions that allow patients to use medical marijuana. In addition, 24 states and the District of Columbia have authorized the operation of dispensaries that give citizens access to medical marijuana products. In those jurisdictions, various state departments are often responsible for developing and implementing the regulations for dispensaries. The regulations focusing on registration and licensing, the number of dispensaries allowed, their location, and operation are examined on this page.


In recent years, 27 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. All 28 jurisdictions authorize qualifying patients to appoint a caregiver or caregivers who can help patients acquire, transport or cultivate medical marijuana. Caregivers provide ailing patients with varying degrees of assistance based upon state statutory and regulatory limitations. This dataset analyzes state guidelines for medical marijuana caregivers, including caregiver qualifications and permissible caregiver activities.

Elizabeth Platt, Esq. •
Center for Public Health Law Research

Unintentional drug overdose is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Administering naloxone hydrochloride (“naloxone”) can reverse an opioid overdose and prevent unintentional death. Since 2001, states have enacted naloxone laws to increase access, simplify prescribing and dispensing by health care providers, and encourage its use by individuals in a position to assist a person experiencing a drug overdose.   


This preliminary dataset examines the laws and policies on medication assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder at state correctional facilities. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three drugs for the treatment of opioid use disorder: buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone. Currently, Rhode Island is the only state that offers all three FDA-approved medications for MAT to all state inmates.  Some states provide all three medications at some of their correctional facilities.


The federal Medicaid Inmate Exclusion Policy (MIEP) generally prohibits federal matching funds from being used to pay for health care provided to most adults incarcerated in public institutions. For justice-involved individuals, this means that during incarceration the criminal justice system is responsible for inmate health care and that Medicaid enrollment may be either terminated or suspended, leading to gaps in Medicaid coverage at release.

