Evidence Library

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Nadia Sawicki, JD, MBe •
Loyola University Chicago School of Law

This legal map identifies the procedural protections established by laws and regulations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia that protect the conscience rights of health care providers in the context of reproductive health care services, with a particular emphasis on immunity from civil liability and limitations on provider rights in cases where patients are likely to be harmed. It captures the relevant features of laws in effect as of December 2019.

Scott Burris, JD •
Center for Public Health Law Research
Lindsay Cloud, JD, PhD(c) •
Center for Public Health Law Research
Andrew Campbell, JD, MBA •
Center for Public Health Law Research

This project comprises four legal maps, each featuring laws in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, and Switzerland, capturing a detailed view of the implementation of Article 2 of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) IHR(2005), to prevent, protect against, control, and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease. The IHR(2005) is a binding instrument of international law for 194 WHO member states aimed at preventing, protecting, controlling, and responding to the international spread of disease.

Abraham Gutman, MA •
Center for Public Health Law Research
Kathleen Moran-McCabe, JD •
Center for Public Health Law Research
Adrienne Ghorashi, Esq. •
Center for Public Health Law Research
Andrew Campbell, JD, MBA •
Center for Public Health Law Research
Lindsay Cloud, JD, PhD(c) •
Center for Public Health Law Research

This article introduces readers to policy surveillance as a method to create empirical legal datasets, using two examples from the field of housing law.

Abraham Gutman, MA •
Center for Public Health Law Research
Kathleen Moran-McCabe, JD •
Center for Public Health Law Research
Scott Burris, JD •
Center for Public Health Law Research

This article outlines 23 legal mechanisms, or levers, that may impact health equity in housing in the United States, and reviews the evidence base evaluating each lever.

The article introduces a model that divides the levers among five core domains intended to promote greater health equity in housing:

