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Global Abortion Laws relating to Self-Managed Abortion

Self-managed abortion has improved access to safe and effective abortions. While the practice is on the rise around the world, many countries impose significant legal restrictions on abortion access. These laws regulate various aspects of abortion, including: the grounds upon which individuals are permitted to obtain an abortion; who may provide an abortion; the tests that health professionals are required to administer before an abortion may be provided; and where an abortion is legally permitted to take place.

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COVID-19 Legal Research Resources

Tables on catalog resources tracking emergency declarations, mitigation policies, and other topic-specific resources available at every jurisdictional level related to the response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

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Procedural Protections in Reproductive Health Care Conscience Laws

This legal map identifies the procedural protections established by laws and regulations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia that protect the conscience rights of health care providers in the context of reproductive health care services, with a particular emphasis on immunity from civil liability and limitations on provider rights in cases where patients are likely to be harmed. It captures the relevant features of laws in effect as of December 2019.

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Eviction Laws

This map identifies and displays key features of state, county, and city-level laws governing the residential eviction process in 40 U.S. cities — the 10 largest cities in the four Census regions — in effect as of August 1, 2018.

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