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Selective Breath Testing Sobriety Checkpoints

The Problem: The operation of motor vehicles while intoxicated is a major public health problem. In 2016, roughtly 10,500 people died in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver, accounting for nearly 1/3 of all traffic related deaths. CDC: Impaired Driving Factsheet. Approximately 6,500 (62%) of these individuals had a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level of 0.08 g/dL or higher. The remaining fatalities consisted of passengers (29%( and non-passengers (9%).


Laws and Policies Requiring Specified Vaccinations among High Risk Populations

The Problem: Vaccine coverage for vaccine preventable disease is an essential public health goal. Vaccination against specific diseases is particularly important for high risk populations, which may include individuals of a certain age (e.g., greater than 68 years for Pneumococcal Polysaccharide) or with specified medical conditions (e.g., HIV/AIDS for influenza). CDC: General Recommendations on Immunization.


Red-Light Cameras to Reduce Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalitles

The Problem:  Annually, more than 32,000 people are killed in motor vehicle crashes, and an additional 2 million are injured in the United States. CDC: Motor Vehicle Safety Factsheet. Crashes occur due to impaired driving, inexperience, faulty vision and general recklessness.  In congested areas, pedestrian safety is also a major public health concern.  Motor vehicle crashes account for 20% of deaths of children ages 1-14 years old.

