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Telehealth Laws Map

This dataset presents information about the ability of non-physician providers to provide primary care though telehealth and be reimbursed for those services in all 50 states and Washington, DC.  

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Most Primary Care Physicians Are Aware Of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs, But Many Find The Data Difficult To Access

A new study released on March 2, 2015, in Health Affairs reports that most primary care physicians are aware of prescription drug monitoring programs and have used the data in their practices, but do so only intermittently.

The study surveyed 420 physicians randomly identified through the American Medical Association’s Masterfile list. Of those physicians surveyed, 72 percent were aware of their state’s prescription drug monitoring program, and 53 percent reported that they had used the programs.

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Progress and Hurdles for Follow-on Biologics

In a Perspective for the New England Journal of Medicine, Sarpatwari and Kesselheim discuss the future of follow-on biologics in the United States. Among other issues, the article discusses the impact that so-called carve-outs from state drug product selection laws will have on reducing the market penetration of interchangeable biologics.

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