Research Library

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Grantee Project
Grantee Project

Studying the "Health in All Policies" Impact on Population Health of Changes in a Range of State Economic Laws over the Last 20 Years

Despite growing attention to the health effects of "non-health" policy and calls for policy-makers to adopt a Health in All Policy (HiAP) approach, little attention has been paid to a key set of economic policies — the various taxes, redistributive spending, and market regulating laws — that shape the distribution of economic resources among Americans.

Grantee Project
Grantee Project

Analyzing the Impact on Cigar Smoking by Youths of an Innovative Packaging Regulation in Boston

This study will analyze the impact of the regulation on youth cigar use, and will answer: Has the regulation resulted in a reduction in cigar use prevalence among 9-12 graders in Boston after its enactment in 2012? Was the reduction in cigar use prevalence among 9-12 graders in Boston greater than those of municipalities that have not enacted the regulation? To what extent has the sales price of cigars increased in retail stores since the enactment in 2012?

Grantee Project
Grantee Project

Studying the Effectiveness of Legal Measures to Control Tuberculosis in Homeless Shelters

The prevention and control of tuberculosis (TB) in the homeless population is an important public health goal, hampered by the reluctance of some homeless people to undergo medical screening, as well as the lack of evidence to support the best interventions for encouraging and increasing screening among those seeking shelter. This project will identify which of three legal mechanisms will result in the greatest reduction of undetected active TB cases among homeless people using emergency shelters.

