Legal Maps

Overdose Prevention Center Laws

Overdose prevention centers (OPCs) are facilities where controlled substances, obtained outside the center, may be consumed in a safe environment with monitoring by staff.  These centers are intended to lessen the risk of overdose and often also provide access to critical services such as syringe exchange, fentanyl test strip and naloxone distribution, and referrals to treatment for infectious diseases and substance use disorder.

State and Territorial Debt Collection Litigation Laws

Debt collection lawsuits have increased dramatically over the past few decades, now accounting for about a quarter of all cases on civil court dockets. These lawsuits — which can include civil lawsuits to recover student loan debt, medical debt, car loan debt, credit card debt, and more — are overwhelmingly resolved in favor of the debt collector. Debt and debt collection judgments can have severe and far-reaching consequences, including wage garnishment, bank account seizure, and inability to secure housing, employment, or medical care.

Drug Decriminalization Laws

More than one million people are arrested annually for drug possession across the United States. People charged with and convicted of criminal drug offenses can face devastating collateral consequences, including eviction, unemployment, loss of the right to vote, and deportation. Research shows that criminalization of drug possession contributes to the marginalization of people with substance use disorders, results in stark racial disparities, and costs billions of dollars.


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