
Fellow Awarded Grant by The Podiatry Foundation

Thursday, February 13, 2020

CPHLR Fellow Dr. Tom Brewer, Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management in the College of Public Health at Kent State University, received a $59,820 grant to conduct a nationwide review of Medicaid statutes and regulations related to coverage for podiatry services. The project, entitled "Medicaid Coverage for Podiatric Care: National Survey," was funded by The Podiatry Foundation whose mission is to promote and foster podiatric medical education and research.

Updated Abortion Law Data Show an Active Year for Reproductive Rights in the US Marked by Increased Restrictions and Court Activity

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The landscape of abortion law in the United States saw increase in targeted restrictions in 2019, but also some efforts to protect access by state governments and courts, according to data published today to by the Center for Public Health Law Research.

Center Publishes First Report in New Housing Series Examining Use of Law to Build Health Equity in Housing

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Center published the first report today in a six-part series that focuses on how laws and legal practices related to housing can influence the availability of quality, affordable housing in socially and racially diverse neighborhoods—and how policies can be better designed and deployed for maximum national impact.
